About the Author

My name is Ryan Miller, a child of God. Some may call me pastor, some may call me friend and still others might hate my guts, but in everything I call on the name of Jesus. As a baby Christian, I longed for a personal relationship with Jesus. My heart was expansive and my dreams were big. Yet every dream was crushed by my incapability to do the things God seemed to ask of me. He seemed to say, "Read your Bible every day," but I failed. He seemed to say, "Pray regularly," but I stumbled.

And yet, what Jesus really wanted was my whole person. He wanted my heart. He had no desire for empty actions. He wanted a desperate heart. A heart that did not express anything but utter dependence upon Him.

And so began this journey of slowing down, of enjoying a true relationship with the Lord. Have you ever noticed how much you miss on long drives or sprints across the earth we live in? If only we took the time to slow down and observe what was really going on. Often times it is not in a loud booming voice that God speaks, it is in the still small voice. How can we hear his voice if we insist on drowning him out with endless activity? How can we hear God, if we avoid inviting him over to dinner?

This blog was created for the purpose of slowing down to be with Jesus. Sometimes these reflections will be based off of a book that I have been reading. At other times, a snapshot from creation will capture more than words can express. At all times, these reflections will be rooted in the Word of God. Without the His Word, I cannot be confident in anything that springs from my fingertips. The word of God penetrates deeper than I am comfortable with, but I know that it is only in His Word that truth and grace can be found. Any experience or reflection must revolve around the throne of God. If my experience ever wavers from the truth, do me a favor by sending me an email.

Whenever you comment on one of these posts, please keep all derogatory comments out. Be polite to others that have commented and always think about the other person before you post. Critique my thoughts in private and I will always assume that you have the best interest of everyone in mind.

Enjoy God! Walk with Him! Let Him transform your life through the mountains and the valleys. May God bless you in your endeavors to please Him with your heart, mind, and soul!