Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hiding in the Crevices

Darkness clings to the darkest crevices of every household. I once thought that my family was perfect. There was no darkness in my family. Yes, we had even climbed to the heights by adopting five children on top of the four that God had given as natural gifts. Indeed, God grafted in these five to be lights in this dark world we live in. They were to be living testimonies that in the midst of darkness. Light always emerges victorious. I can still see the light, but darkness has hidden in the crevices and shook the foundations of my family. When this darkness could hide no longer, it ran to the farthest corner of the earth, searching for a hiding place.

Yet in the midst of this turmoil, light is chasing after the darkness. This light refuses to give darkness rest. Indeed it is true that there is no rest for the one who runs from the light. I pray that the light would bring justice, but that this light would also show the same mercy and grace that was given me in my time of weakness. Oh that the darkness would know the height and depth of the love of God. Oh that the darkness would give way to the light. Darkness, I have not known the light to withhold punishment, but I have always known the light to mend broken hearts, extending a hand of mercy and grace. As David paid the consequences for his sin, so we pay the consequences for our sin. As David was shown mercy for his sin, so we are shown mercy for our sins through the Son of David.

Darkness, I forgive you for hurting my family. I know that it was instinct to run. It hurts to be exposed, believe it or not, I know this full well. Please, I pray, lie down on the table of our surgeon in heaven. Trust him to remove the dark weed from your heart. He has dealt the death blow to that dark weed in your heart. Now, if only you would rip the horrid thing out! There is no room in the kingdom of heaven for cancerous weeds.  If you will not come back to us, at least turn to Jesus. In Him there is freedom to live in the light.

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